Tuesday, April 04, 2006

'oh, this burning beard, i have come undone'

Hey kids, Duke here. Back again after some dark days. Back again after some light days. A rest to let thoughts whirl and whither, turn to dust and come back again. New movements are upon us. The days are becoming longer again on this side of the world, nature's inspiration is moving closer to its bloom. Wasn't that nice? Beautiful even? Now that you have the notion of blooming inspiration in your head, I want you to go see something for me. A film. A particular film that gave me a good 'ol slap in the face, a punch in the nose and a kick in the ass. This film is called 'V for Vendetta'. I'm sure many of you have already heard about it, possibly seen it or read the graphic novel. Well if you have seen it, go see it again. I honestly feel it to be the most important film of the 21st century to date. There have been other important films but none released on this scale; not with this type of content.
This film is a warning. A warning of a very possible future that could be. A future most of us wish to never come true. It shows us what we can learn from it. How we can stand up to it. It shows us how valuble our ideas actually are and what we can do to see past our lifetime. I can go on and on but I want you to go and have it for yourself.
Absorb this film.
Let it change you for the betterment.
It has changed me.
There is a new day I will remember and it is on the 5th of November.

Barstow out.



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